Alexandros Tsolakis, Bastian Wibranek and Sebastian Kriegsmann
May 26 – July 9, 2011

photos by Elsa Thorp
photos 9-11: Yo Aikido by Morgan Belenguer
photos 9-11: Yo Aikido by Morgan Belenguer
Disconnect, a full-scale installation by Alexandros Tsolakis, Bastian Wibranek and Sebastian Kriegsmann, starts from a simple proposition: more often than not, public space is communally occupied. Despite the immutable forms of architecture, space transforms the moment it’s inhabited; what we do, and what we don’t is spatially inscribed by the simple fact of our engagement. By installing a stretchable membrane across the gallery floor, Disconnect allows visitors to physically register the movements of their co-habitants. As people move over and under the surface, the fabric’s stretch manifests the influence of other bodies as a sensible force. Projected beams of light mark contour lines on the fabric as shifts with movement. Continuing a line of projects initiated by PROGRAM that aim to instill spatial sensitivity, Disconnect similarly seeks to address a wider range of visitors, including the youngest ones.
There will be a dance performance in the space during the opening.
Alexandros Tsolakis was born in Athens. In 2009 he received a Diploma in Architecture from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Bastian Wibranek was born in Essen. In 2009 he received his Dipl.-Ing. (FH) from the University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund.
Sebastian Kriegsmann was born in Zwickau. He received his Dipl.-Ing. (FH) from the University of Applied Sciences in Zwickau in 2005.
Alexandros, Bastian and Sebastian are currently completing their MA at the Städelschule in Frankfurt.
Special thanks to Nadja Ziller and Aikido Dojo Berlin.