Lucky Dragons
August 3, 2009, 20:00
in a special performance with Immediate Archaeologies, an installation by Morgan Belenguer & Luis Berríos-Negrón

Lucky Dragons have managed to create a completely new strand of West Coast American psychedelia. --frieze
Within the framework of an installation that sought to delimit the visitor's experience of PROGRAM and its material history, this site-specific performance by Lucky Dragons will achieve the opposite--personal and collective social engagement with space via sound and digital signal.
“lucky dragons” means any recorded or performed or installed or packaged or shared pieces made by Luke Fischbeck, Sarah Rara, and any sometimes collaborators. They try to do as many different kinds of things as they can, high and low, fast and slow. They would say they are “artists who use music” and if they make performance art it is to alter and append it, but they give respect to history and the people who live there.