Float: Buoyant Things, a Sinking Feeling
an evening of short videos
Thursday, January 28, 19:00

‘Float’ is an evening of short films by contemporary visual artists, featuring poetic gestures that are partial, incomplete or unresolved. The protagonists of the films oscillate amidst dilemmas of gravity, forces of nature, undelivered promises and artificial histories. Unlike failure, these acts of anti-heroism and noncatharsis displace the significance of outcomes and instead emphasize desire itself—the will that initiates action. Understated humor and cinematic images of natural splendor form the backdrop for these metaphors of intellectual inquiry, placing viewers in a state of suspension.
‘Float’ is organized by Caitlin Berrigan, based on concepts she began exploring at PROGRAM during her residency in Fall 2009. The screening will last approximately 1 hour with no intermission.
Peter Land, "The Lake," 2000
Simon Faithfull, "Escape Vehicle No. 6," 2004
Gina Siepel, "Kennebec Excursions," 2009
Caitlin Berrigan, "The Marshmallow Suicide," 2008
Christian Niccoli, "Splash," 2008
Guido van der Werve, "Nummer Vier," 2005 (courtesy of Juliette Jongma Gallery)